TOPOL. It’s still an ongoing and intense debate and in some ways it really was about what was the turmoil at open AI was rooted with this controversy about uh you know where things are where they’re headed uh you know I I want to just close up with the point you made about the Radiologists uh and not to insult them by saying they’ll be replaced gets us to where we are the tension of today which is are humans as the Pinnacle of intelligence going to be not replaced but superseded by the likes of ai’s future which of course the our species can’t handle that a machine it’s it’s like the Radiologists our species can’t handle that there could be this machine that could be you know with far less uh connections could do things outperform us or of course as we’ve I think emphasized in our conversation in concert with humans to even take it to yet another level but is that tension about that there’s this potential for machines outdoing people part of the part of the problem that it’s hard for people to accept this notion

HINTON. Yes I think so so. particularly philosophers. um they want to say there’s something very special about people that’s to do with Consciousness and subjective experience and sentience and qualia and um these machines are just machines well if you’re sort of scientific materialist like most of us are um you know the brain’s just a machine it’s it’s wrong to say it’s just a machine because it’s a wonderfully complex machine that does incredible things that are very important to people um but it is a machine and there’s no reason in principle why there shouldn’t be better machines and better ways of doing computation as I now believe there are um so I think people have a very long history of thinking they’re special um you know they think God put them made them in His image and he put them at the center of the universe and um Mo a lot of people have got over that and a lot of people haven’t um but the PE for the people who’ve got over that um I don’t think there’s any reason in principle to think that we are the Pinnacle of intelligence and I think it may be quite soon these machines are smarter than us I still hope that um we can reach a agreement with the machines where they act like benevolent parents um so they’re looking out for us they have we’ve managed to motivate them them so the most important thing for them is our success like it is with a mother and child not so much for men um and uh I would really like that solution I’m just fearful we won’t get it