Dr Roman Yampolskiy | The Case for Narrow AI * We discuss everything AI safety with Dr. Roman Yampolskiy. As AI technologies advance at a breakneck pace, the conversation highlights the pressing need to balance innovation with rigorous safety measures. Contrary to many other voices in the safety space, argues for the necessity and benefits of of maintaining AI as narrow, task-oriented systems. Timestamps

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 01:09 Meet Dr. Roman Yampolskiy
  • 03:08 The Complex Relationship Between AI and Security
  • 04:19 Challenges in AI Alignment and Control
  • 11:55 The Debate on Open Source AI
  • 14:40 Governance and Political Solutions for AI Safety
  • 16:02 The Race to Superintelligence
  • 17:03 Future Directions in AI Safety
  • 21:31 Convincing the AI Community
  • 23:33 Challenges in AI Safety and Collaboration
  • 25:29 The Dilemma of Safety vs. Capabilities
  • 26:13 Exploring Collaborative AI Efforts
  • 27:02 The Limits of AI Control
  • 29:56 Complexity in Multi-Agent Systems
  • 31:34 Narrow AI and Targeted Solutions
  • 33:39 Existential Hope
  • 34:07 Insights from Roman’s New Book
  • 35:55 The Infinite Problem of AI Safety
  • 38:18 Hopeful Outcomes and Narrow AI Applications
  • 40:28 Governance and Future Breakthroughs
  • 43:17 Final Thoughts and Best Advice

Dr Roman Yampolskiy holds a PhD degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University at Buffalo. There he was a recipient of a four year National Science Foundation IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship) fellowship. His main areas of interest are behavioral biometrics, digital forensics, pattern recognition, genetic algorithms, neural networks, artificial intelligence and games, and he is an author of over 100 publications including multiple journal articles and books. About The Foresight Institute The Foresight Institute is a research organization and non-profit that supports the beneficial development of high-impact technologies. Since our founding in 1986 on a vision of guiding powerful technologies, we have continued to evolve into a many-armed organization that focuses on several fields of science and technology that are too ambitious for legacy institutions to support. From molecular nanotechnology, to brain-computer interfaces, space exploration, cryptocommerce, and AI, Foresight gathers leading minds to advance research and accelerate progress toward flourishing futures.