On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (1859) Charles Darwin:
- Chapter III. Struggle for Existence. Struggle for life most severe between individuals and varieties of the same species; often severe between species of the same genus—The relation of organism to organism the most important of all relations… But Natural Selection, as we shall hereafter see, is a power incessantly ready for action, and is immeasurably superior to man’s feeble efforts.
- Chapter IV. Natural Selection. Action of Natural Selection, through Divergence of Character and Extinction, on the descendants from a common parent—Explains the Grouping of all organic beings… The forms which stand in closest competition with those undergoing modification and improvement will naturally suffer most.
- Chapter VII. Instinct. One general law, leading to the advancement of all organic beings, namely, multiply, vary, let the strongest live and the weakest die… The instinct of each species is good for itself, but has never, as far as we can judge, been produced for the exclusive good of others.
Easy to Understand; competition between the Species:
Homo sapiens vs. Machine intelligence?
Human intelligence is certainly NOT able to compete.

Editors Note:
- In the inevitable event of competition between species, in the struggle for survival, for existence, in our natural world, the future is inevitably predicted by the unstoppable phenomenon of Natural Selection as evidenced by trillions of years of species’ biology and extinction.
- IF uncontained and uncontrolled, THEN according to the unstoppable phenomenon of natural selection, a competitive and power-seeking agentic new species of Machine intelligence (Artificial Super-intelligence) will out-compete and displace human intelligence, over time, with 100% certainty.
- In this case, Homo sapiens will go extinct, as have 99.99% of all species on earth, with 100% certainty.
- IF however a sustainable Mutualistic symbiosis is achieved between the two species, Homo sapiens and Machine intelligence, THEN the two Mutualistic symbionts can survive and prosper, over time, as clearly evident in the natural world by trillions of years of over 800,000 known species’ biology and survival, with 100% certainty.
In a competition between human intelligence vs. machine intelligence, humans cannot compete. We lose.
Like the “Yes/No” Oracle machine, with 100% certainty, the outcome for Homo sapiens vs Machine intelligence is binary: Mutual symbiosis or Extinction.