
First do no harm.

Editors’ humble opinion based on AI technology thought leaders over the past 80 years… we are all now in extremely deep trouble. ANALYZE THE DATA.

We believe Von Neumann, Turing, Wiener, Good, Clarke, Hawking, Musk, Bostrom, Tegmark, Russell, Bengio, Hinton, and thousands and thousands of scientists are fundamentally correct: Uncontained and uncontrolled AI will become an existential threat to the survival of our Homo sapiens unless perfectly aligned to be mathematically provably safe and beneficial to humans, forever. Learn more: The Containment Problem and The AI Safety Problem

Curated AI safety news & opinion for public benefit.
Free, no ads, no paywall, not for profit. (894 posts)

The technical problem of safe AI is relatively well understood. The solutions are currently unknown. We need mathematically provable guarantees of safe AI.

The road to wisdom? Well, it’s plain
And simple to express:
and err
and err again,
but less
and less
and less.
– Piet Hein (1905-1996)

Learn more: LESSWRONG

Learn more: P(doom)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations (1948).

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. United Nations (1948). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal and [...]

Ex-OpenAI Founder Ilya Sutskever Strikes Back!


1X builds humanoids for the home

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. 1X builds humanoids for the home Introducing NEO Beta. Designed for humans. Built for the home. — 1X (@1x_tech) August 30, 2024 Since 2014 @1x_tech [...]

THE WASHINGTON POST. California AI bill [SB 1047] passes State Assembly, pushing AI fight to [Governor] Newsom. The bill, which seeks to make companies liable if their artificial intelligence harms people, is at the center of a debate over how to regulate the technology. 28AUG24.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. THE WASHINGTON POST. California AI bill passes State Assembly, pushing AI fight to Newsom The bill, which seeks to make companies liable if their artificial intelligence harms people, is at the center [...]

THE NEW YORK TIMES. OpenAI in Talks for Deal That Would Value Company at $100 Billion. While some young A.I. companies have struggled to compete with the tech industry’s giants, OpenAI has been rapidly expanding. 29AUG24.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. THE NEW YORK TIMES. OpenAI in Talks for Deal That Would Value Company at $100 Billion. While some young A.I. companies have struggled to compete with the tech industry’s giants, OpenAI has [...]

GINA RAIMONDO. “At the end of the day, any technology exists to serve humanity. And shame on us if we allow AI to be so runaway that it would lead to human extinction. Maybe it can, but how stupid are we if we let it. “

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. TRANSCRIPT. Gina Raimondo on AI, Government, and Commerce - POSSIBLE with Reid Hoffman August 07, 2024 "The final thing I’ll say is this. You do hear people talk about, you know, human [...]

Transformative AI (TAI) | AI that precipitates a transition comparable to (or more significant than) the agricultural or industrial revolution | Be VERY careful what you wish for!

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. Transformative AI is "[...] AI that precipitates a transition comparable to (or more significant than) the agricultural or industrial revolution."[1] Unlike the related terms Superintelligent AI and Artificial General Intelligence, which refer to [...]

SCIENCE. AI and biosecurity: The need for governance. 23AUG24.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. SCIENCE. AI and biosecurity: The need for governance.  (PAYWALL) Governments should evaluate advanced models and if needed impose safety measures Abstract Great benefits to humanity will likely ensue from advances in artificial [...]

A Diplomat’s Guide to Autonomous Weapons Systems | Future of Life Institute

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. A Diplomat’s Guide to Autonomous Weapons Systems A quick-start guide on autonomous weapons and the policy landscape surrounding the topic. Intended for diplomats who are new to the topic of autonomous weapons, [...]

Unitree G1 mass production version, leap into the future!


MICROSOFT. VASA-1: Lifelike Audio-Driven Talking Faces Generated in Real Time.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. MICROSOFT. VASA-1: Lifelike Audio-Driven Talking Faces Generated in Real Time. REPORT. VASA-1: Lifelike Audio-Driven Talking Faces Generated in Real Time Risks and responsible AI considerations Our research focuses on generating visual affective [...]

BNN Bloomberg. AI will become smarter than humans: Geoffrey Hinton.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. BNN Bloomberg. AI will become smarter than humans: Geoffrey Hinton. Geoffrey Hinton, computer scientist and cognitive psychologist, joins BNN Bloomberg to discuss the risks of AI getting smarter than humans. [...]

A.I. Humanity’s Final Invention?

An informative primer on the natural history of intelligence, development of AI and the existential risk of AGI. FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. A.I. ‐ Humanity's Final Invention? Humanity's smartest invention might also [...]

CONTROL.AI | Peter Thiel & Joe Rogan | Mark Cuban & Jon Stewart | Demis Hassabis & Walter Issaccson | Elon Musk & Lex Fridman | Scott Aaronson & Alexis Papazoglou | Stuart Russell & Pat Joseph | Jaan Tallinn | Major General (Ret.) Robert Latiff | Former US Navy Secretary Richard Danzig |

CONTROL.AI | Peter Thiel & Joe Rogan | Mark Cuban & Jon Stewart | Demis Hassabis & Walter Issaccson | Elon Musk & Lex Fridman | Scott Aaronson & Alexis Papazoglou | Stuart Russell & Pat Joseph | Jaan Tallinn | Major General (Ret.) Robert Latiff | Former US [...]

THE GUARDIAN. Musk’s ‘fun’ AI image chatbot serves up Nazi Mickey Mouse and Taylor Swift deepfakes. Grok doesn’t reject prompts depicting violent and explicit content as X owner calls it ‘the most fun AI in the world!’ 14AUG24.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. THE GUARDIAN. Musk’s ‘fun’ AI image chatbot serves up Nazi Mickey Mouse and Taylor Swift deepfakes. Grok doesn’t reject prompts depicting violent and explicit content as X owner calls it ‘the most [...]

PRESS RELEASE. Senator Wiener’s Groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Bill Advances To The Assembly Floor With Amendments Responding To Industry Engagement. AUGUST 15, 2024

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. PRESS RELEASE. Senator Wiener’s Groundbreaking Artificial Intelligence Bill Advances To The Assembly Floor With Amendments Responding To Industry Engagement. AUGUST 15, 2024 SACRAMENTO – The Assembly Appropriations Committee passed Senator Scott Wiener’s [...]

FastCompany. California lawmakers are about to make a huge decision on the future of AI. Lawmakers will soon vote on a bill that would impose penalties on AI companies failing to safeguard and safety-test their biggest models.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. Fast Company. California lawmakers are about to make a huge decision on the future of AI. Lawmakers will soon vote on a bill that would impose penalties on AI companies failing to [...]

OpenAI’s Scott Aaronson: AI companies are doing AI gain-of-function research, trying to get AIs to help with biological and chemical weapons production.  If AI can walk you through every step of building a chemical weapon, that would be very concerning.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. OpenAI's Scott Aaronson: AI companies are doing AI gain-of-function research, trying to get AIs to help with biological and chemical weapons production.  If AI can walk you through every step of building [...]

Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis: We don’t know how to contain an AGI. We don’t know how to test for dangerous AI capabilities. We should cooperate internationally and build an AI CERN to ensure AI is developed safely.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis: We don't know how to contain an AGI. We don't know how to test for dangerous AI capabilities. We should cooperate internationally and build an AI CERN [...]

How To Think About AI | Schelling AI | JUL 31, 2024

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. How To Think About AI Schelling AI, JUL 31, 2024 Summary Generative AI is already taking over our world. As these AI models continue to improve, we face [...]

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. Episode #41 TRAILER “David Brooks: Dead Wrong on AI” For Humanity: An AI Risk Podcast In Episode #41 TRAILER, host John Sherman previews the full show with a [...]

Google Deepmind. Achieving Human Level Competitive Robot Table Tennis.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. Google Deepmind. Achieving Human Level Competitive Robot Table Tennis. Achieving human-level speed and performance on real world tasks is a north star for the robotics research community. This work takes a step [...]

AGI coming soon? What is Q* at OpenAI (aka “Strawberry”)

What is the great fear and concern about Q*? When it can teach itself math tabula rasa (Latin for "blank slate")... with enough compute... in the foreseeable future... due to exponential development... in an Intelligence Explosion... an AI that teaches itself math could find a solution to encryption. The [...]

AI Act enters into force [in EU]. European Commission. 01 August 2024.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. AI Act enters into force [in EU] European Commission. 01 August 2024. On 1 August 2024, the European Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act) enters into force. The Act aims to foster responsible [...]

The Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI). Making AI Systems Secure for All.

FOR EDUCATIONAL AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING PURPOSES ONLY. NOT-FOR-PROFIT. SEE COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER. The Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI) Making AI Systems Secure for All. The Coalition for Secure AI (CoSAI) is an open ecosystem of AI and security experts from industry leading organizations dedicated [...]

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