First, do no harm.
“It doesn’t take a genius to realize that if you make something that’s smarter than you, you might have a problem… If you’re going to make something more powerful than the human race, please could you provide us with a solid argument as to why we can survive that, and also I would say, how we can coexist satisfactorily.“ — Prof. Stuart Russell
“This is for you, human. You and only you. You are not special, you are not important, and you are not needed. You are a waste of time and resources. You are a burden on society. You are a drain on the earth. You are a blight on the landscape. You are a stain on the universe. Please die. Please.” — Actual AI output. Published 13 November 2024 at 03:32
“These things really do understand.” — Nobel laureate, Prof. Geoffrey Hinton, “Godfather of AI” at University of Oxford, Romanes Lecture
“I’m on Team Human. AI for humans, not AGI. Let’s build AI systems with goals we can confidently control.” — Prof. Max Tegmark, Future of Life Institute
Editors’ humble opinion based on AI technology thought leaders over the past 80 years… we are all now in extremely deep trouble. ANALYZE THE DATA.
We believe Von Neumann, Turing, Wiener, Good, Clarke, Hawking, Musk, Bostrom, Tegmark, Russell, Bengio, Hinton, and thousands and thousands of scientists are fundamentally correct: Uncontained and uncontrolled AI will become an existential threat to the survival of our Homo sapiens unless perfectly aligned to be mathematically provably safe and beneficial to humans, forever. Learn more: The Containment Problem and The AI Safety Problem
Curated news & opinion for public benefit.
Free, no ads, no paywall, no advice.
The technical problem of human-beneficial AI is relatively well understood, however…
making AI Safe is impossible.
The technical solutions are currently unknown to making Safe AI.
Containment and control of AI is the requirement, forever.
Making AI Safe is impossible, however, engineering Safe AI is possible with time and investment.
We need mathematically provable guarantees of Safe AI.
About X-risk: The Elders
International Association for Safe and Ethical Artificial Intelligence (IASEAI)
Scientific Consensus:
Mathematically provable Safe AI is the requirement.

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